Zoning and Variances

The Municipality of Bluewater Zoning By-law restricts land use and buildings on all lands within the municipality. The Zoning By-law contains general provisions that apply to all properties as well as, but not limited to, permitted uses and setbacks that are specific to each zone. Development projects must comply with the Zoning By-law.

However, when proposed construction cannot comply with the Zoning By-law, permission must be obtained from Council for a minor variance. The Municipality of Bluewater has established a Committee of Adjustment that considers applications for minor variances. Council also considers applications for zoning by-law amendments, temporary use by-laws, deeming by-laws and other applications.

Please feel free to contact the Planner or Planning Coordinator for help with any application or to arrange a pre-consultation meeting to discuss your proposed project.

Planning guides and applications

Staff will let you know which planning application is appropriate. They will provide a list of information to provide and the timing for the process, before you pay the fees.

Please feel free to contact the Planner or Planning Coordinator to discuss your project, for help with any application or to book a pre-consultation meeting. The Planner or Planning Coordinator can also provide the zoning by-law amendment guide and consolidated application form.

Fees for minor variances and for zoning by-law amendments, including a temporary use by-law, removal of 'H' symbol, part lot control and deeming by-laws are set out in our fees and charges by-law.

Zoning By-law 43-2015, as amended, provides information about general provisions applying to all properties within the Municipality of Bluewater plus specific zone provisions such as minimum property frontage and zone area.

You can view property information using aerial imagery and interactive maps developed by the County of Huron Information & Technology Services.

Agency websites

Agencies regulating areas within the Municipality of Bluewater must be consulted with regard to land use planning approvals and construction permits.

Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority

Ministry of Transportation

Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

Canada Post

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